Sammy in the Sky (Hardcover)

Price 13.34 - 16.99 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780763649272

A deeply affecting tale of love, loss, and remembrance-- told in clear-eyed prose by a top journalist and illustrated by a renowned American painter. Sammy, the best hound dog in the whole wide world, loves his girl and she loves him. When illness cuts Sammy"s life short, the girl"s family keeps his spirit alive by celebrating his love of chasing wind-blown bubbles, keeping loyal guard at night, and offering his velvety fur for endless pats and tummy scratches. Painter Jamie Wyeth"s illustrations-- infused with his realist style and lifelong fondness for dogs-- radiate the joy and sadness of every tongue-licking, tail-wagging moment in this heartening and lovingly rendered story written by Pulitzer Prize-- winning journalist Barbara Walsh.