Hornady LNL Auto Charge Powder Manager
Price 167.42 - 300.29 USD
90255500684, 400247340226
Hornady Manufacturing Company
Manufacture Country
Speed and efficiency save time and money. With the introduction of the Hornady Lock N Load Auto Charge, we have combined both in one extremely accurate system. This unit is quick to setup, easy to use, and exceptionally precise to within 0.1 grains, and has a scale capacity of 1000 grains-and designed to be much easier to use than the competitions. An easy-to-use kepad coupled with a large, easy-to-read backlit display, automatic and manual dispense options, trickle function, three speed settings, overcharge protection, and easy clean out make this the single most effective powder measure on the market. When it comes to the competitors, there aren"t any who measure up.