Impressive Smile 1331401430-1182380304726 Snap-On Toothbrush Sanitizer 20 Individual Sanitizers
Price 47.97 USD
Toothbrushes harbor a host of harmful bacteria that can re-infect your mouth when you brush, Our Snap-On Sanitizer is a revolutionary product that releases all-natural, anti-bacterial vapors to kill germs and safely sanitize your toothbrush between brushings, No mees, no fuss, dry vapor action, Fits most manual and power brushes, No electricity or batteries required, Ideal and convenient for home and travel, 60 days protection per sanitizer, FDA registered, 100% natural germ-killer, Assorted colors/aromas (Well select for you, ), Easy to use: After brushing your teeth, rinse toothbrush, shake off excess water and place inside the sanitizer device, The germ defense system goes to work immediately, 20 individual sanitizers SKU: IMSM088