Douglas Laboratories, Methyl B12 Plus, 90 Tablets

Price 16.00 USD

iherb.com16.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 310539038901

Manufacture Country USA

Methyl B12 Plus by Douglas Laboratories® provides Metafolin® L-methylfolate and vitamin B12 methylcobalamin in a great-tasting tablet that rapidly dissolves in the mouth. Methylfolate and methylcobalamin are the predominant forms of B vitamins commonly found in cells that do not require additional conversion in the body. Methyl B12 Plus dissolvable tablets are sweetened naturally with Xylitol and flavored with natural black cherry and vanilla.FUNCTIONSAs co-enzymes, the B vitamins are essential components in most major metabolic reactions. They play an important role in energy production, including the metabolism of lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins. B vitamins are also important for blood cell production, hormone production, nervous system function, normal homocysteine metabolism, and proper methylation. Methylcobalamin (vitamin B12) and folate are coenzymes in DNA and RNA metabolism. Both of these B vitamins assist in homocysteine metabolism. Folate serves as a methyl donor and methylcobalamin as a coenzyme in the conversion of homocysteine to methionine. Studies indicate that methylcobalamin, a coenzyme form of vitamin B12, may be better utilized and better retained in the body due to its methyl structure. Certain populations, including the elderly, immune-compromised, use of proton-pump inhibitors, and strict vegetarians are often at risk for vitamin B12 deficiency, either due to low dietary intake or impaired absorption. Intrinsic factor, a protein produced by cells in the stomach lining, is needed by the intestines to absorb vitamin B12 efficiently. Certain populations, including the elderly and those unable to effectively produce intrinsic factor due to certain medications, can be more susceptible to B12 deficiency. Methyl B12 Plus provides vitamin B12 in a sublingual form that bypasses the stomach and does not require intrinsic factor for adequate absorption.L-methylfolate (5-MTHF) is the naturally occurring, predominant form of folate commonly fo