Istoriko-Filosofskii Ezhegodnik 2012

This yearbook contains new works by scholars from the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the history of Russian, Oriental, ancient, medieval, and modern European philosophy, and publications from their archives. Summary and contents in English. Started in 1986. Contents: O naturalizme Spinozy; Russo i obshchestvennyi dogovor; Evraziitsy kak "osoznavateli kul"turno-istoricheskogo svoeobraziia Rossii", perevod traktata Filona Aleksandriiskogo "O gigantakh", perevod fragmenta lektsii Knata 1783/84 g., bibliografiia rabot po istoriko-filosofskoi problematike za 2009-2010 gg. Previous volumes beginning 1994 and standing order are available. (0.525 kg.)