Ruse: Art Of Deception (PS3) - Pre-Owned

Price 14.96 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 886162479508

Brand Ubisoft

Manufacture VGX, LLC

Manufacture Country USA

* Dimension: Dimension is one of the fundamental aspects of R.U.S.E. The IRISZOOM Engine displays maps a hundred times larger than in traditional RTS games, which makes raises strategy to an unprecedented scale and gives deception a lot more depth. With the zoom, you are able to both command your units as a chief-in-command and manage your troops at a tactical level as a ground officer, for example by deploying a fake offensive on your opponents HQ while carefully hiding your infantry in villages to ambush the surrounding tanks. * Deception: Deception is the essence of R.U.S.E.s gameplay, just as it is the core of warfare: deception techniques such as espionage, decoys and radio silence played an essential role during World War II and continue to figure in modern conflicts. R.U.S.E. features deception cards  also known as ruses  that let you apply a deception technique to a specific sector in the map. The ruses are split into three categories : * Reveal: these ruses such as the Spy Plan or Decryption are useful in order to understand or uncover your enemys actions. * Hide: the Radio Silence or Camouflage Net will let you hide your troops or buildings from your opponents radar. * Fake: the last category of ruses is used to trick your enemy, to make him believe what you want him to believe. The Decoy Offensive simulates an attack to confuse your adversary. * Multiplayer: Because fooling real people is the ultimate thrill, multiplayer plays a critical part in the R.U.S.E. experience. * ESRB Rating: TEEN with Mild Language, Use of Tobacco, and Mild Violence