Chtoby Svecha ne Pogasla: Sbornik Esse, Interv"u, Stikhotvorenii, Perevodov

Price 2.21 - 3.32 USD

book24.ru2.21 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9785811201280

Producer АСТ

Weight 536 gr

Pages 752

Year of production 1998

Binding 84x108/32

This is a collection of essays, interviews, verses, and translations by the well known Russian historian and geographer Lev Gumilev (1912-1992). Most of the interviews, dialogues, and articles are about vexing questions of Russian history and culture, history of art and religions. The last chapter includes his verses of the 1930s (before his arrest) and of the 1980s, and his translations from Persian and other oriental languages.