The Art of Case Management in Practice: A balancing act in Healthcare: an African Perspective

This book focuses on the specialised field of Nurse Case Management and the need for formal training for Nurse Case Managers (NCMs). In particular, the study aimed to establish what the outcomes should be of a learning programme for practising NCMs in South Africa. I used a descriptive survey study design. Data was collected using the Delphi technique. The Delphi technique involves questionnaires to be distributed, collation of the data returned and the distribution of a revised questionnaire for input from the participants. Each questionnaire distributed becomes a ?round? and forms part of the process of data collection. A group of experts working in the field of managed healthcare (MHC) were included as the study respondents. Consensus was reached after three rounds as to what the learning outcomes for NCMs should be. This study found that NCMs practising in South Africa require a specialised set of competencies that are not covered in the basic general nursing training...