Expanded Nursing Roles in an Irish Healthcare Setting: A Mixed Method Study

General nursing in Ireland has experienced tremendous change and development within the acute healthcare sector over the last decade in response to changes in health policy, demographics, technology, and the need to contain healthcare costs. Nurse"s roles are developing and expanding to enhance patient care, promote job satisfaction and achieve cost effectiveness within the healthcare services. The study explored nurse"s perceptions of role expansion in the acute hospital setting in Ireland in order to gain a deeper understanding of how nurses perceived both the concept and application of expanded roles in their area of practice. A multi method approach utilising both qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis methods was used in order to widen the scope of the research approach and add breath and depth to the study. Confusion emerged in relation to conceptual distinctions relating to extended and expanded roles. Participants expressed willingness to accept new roles where they could see added value to the patient experience, the organisation and the profession. Implications of these findings are discussed in relation to evolving practice and policy.