Hodgson Mill Whole Wheat Whole Grain Elbow Macaroni, 16 oz, Pack of 12
Price 19.37 - 25.38 USD
High in Fiber, Tastes great, too, All natural, Rich in whole grain to help reduce the risk of heart disease and certain cancers, Diets rich in whole-grain foods and other plant foods and low in total fat, saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease and certain cancers! Low-fat; Cholesterol free; High fiber food, Durum is the hard spring wheat grown in the Northern States and used in the world over to make the best pastas available, Since Durum Wheat is available in less abundance than other types of wheat, many commercial pasta makers use blends of hard winter wheat to cut costs, Hodgson Mill Pastas are made using the wheat germ and bran fiber, thereby retaining all the nutrients and goodness that nature so bountifully supplied in the wheat, White pastas do not include this very important wheat germ and bran fiber, thereby throwing away the major part of many of the nutrients and much of the natural flavor, Hodgson Mill Pastas are made from 100% Durum Wheat, It is wheat as nature intended it to be, Hodgson Mill adds no preservatives, colors, softeners, or conditioners, Our superior taste comes only from the wheat we use, Each Unit Size: 16, Unit of Measure: OZ, Case Pack Size: 12 SKU: KEHE294