Clover CLOVER HDV4324 4-Channel 1080p HD Security System with 4 1080p HD Cameras CLOHDV4324
Price 1786.70 USD
Inclusive and comprehensive, the state-of-the-art Clover 4-Channel 1080p HD Security System includes four 1080p HD cameras for indoor and outdoor use. The cameras provide real-time, full HD display & recording 120 fps at 1920 x 1080p allow users to view, playback, record, backup & network simultaneously day and night performance IR Cut Filter Removal 24 IR LEDs with a CDS sensor 8x digital zoom and 4 BNC HD video signal inputs. The system is compatible with PC & Mac OS X 10.6.5 or higher, and allows monitoring via 3G 4G LTE smartphone and tablet, as well as remote control monitoring via TCP IP, audio capabilities and free DDNS email notification. Customers will appreciate the comfort the 4-Channel 1080p HD Security System provides.CLOHDV4324. HDV4324. Clover CLOVER HDV4324 4-Channel 1080p HD Security System with 4 1080p HD Cameras.