Gardens in Time
Price 21.98 - 65.00 USD
book24.ru21.98 USD
Ambitious in scope and a wonder to examine, Gardens in Time captures two millennia of garden history between its covers. The follow-up to world-renowned photographer Alain Le Toquin’s successful The Most Beautiful Gardens in the World, Gardens in Time contains lush and glorious photographs of the nearly 130 gardens that Le Toquin explored across 20 countries—the most comprehensive garden photo documentary ever undertaken by a single photographer. From the Roman gardens at Hadrian’s villa to the modern work of landscape gardeners like Fernando Caruncho, the Wirtzes, and Robert Irwin, historical and contemporary gardens are showcased. All are complemented by Jacques Bosser’s informative text, which reveals the evolutions, transformations, influences, and trends that characterize these beautiful landscapes, putting into context their aesthetic appeal, both then and now.