Park & Sun Portable Bocce Court - Web Boundary
Price 49.98 USD
About Park and Sun Sports Park and Sun Sports is based in Englewood, Colorado. The Sporting Goods Manufacturers Since 1985, Park & Sun Sports has designed, distributed and manufactured high quality sporting goods, athletic equipment and unique games from their headquarters in Englewood, CO. Through the talents of their dedicated team and the inspiration of the consumer, Park & Sun Sports will continue to demonstrate innovation, quality, passion and superior service through the products that they offer. * Everything you need for a regulation bocce court * 1-inch yellow webbing boundary * Pre-measured for court dimensions - 12 x 60 feet * 10-foot yellow foul lines, 6- x 6-inch foot-high yellow flags * Stake and bungee cord attachments * Includes handwinder and 600 denier carry bag with reinforced panels