Ultimate Support IQ-2200 2-Tier Double-Braced X-Style Keyboard Stand

Price 89.99 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 784887174787

Manufacture Country USA

Part of Ultimate Series IQ series, which are redefining the X-style keyboard stand, the IQ-2000 is a two-tiered stand that brings a whole new level of stability and innovation to the lightweight, gigging-minded design. Offering a range of five height settings for sitting-to-standing playing comfort, the IQ-2200 also features Ultimate Support"s patented Memory Lock system and unique stabilizing end caps, giving keyboardists timesaving onstage luxuries along with peace of mind. The IQ-2200 is ideal for supporting everything from lightweight synthesizers and MIDI controllers to the heaviest of professional keyboard workstations. The first tier supports up to 150 pounds with unheard of strength and stability, while maintaining the convenient, lightweight X-style format that gigging keyboardists demand. With thick, double-braced tubing, heavy-duty bolting, and a generous upper keyboard shelf that supports up to 50 pounds, the IQ-2200 is the cure for the common X-style stand, equally at home on stage, at jams, and in the studio. Patented Memory Lock System Equipped with the IQ Series" patented Memory Lock System, the IQ-2200 offers a set-it-once solution that saves gigging and on-the-go keyboardists time and energy. After initially choosing a preferred height position, the Memory Lock opens the stand to the desired height every time. Keyboardists need only to lift and place their instruments once. Off-set Bracing System for Maximum Knee Room More than offering five height positions that comfortably accommodate a range of sitting and standing positions, the IQ-2200 features an inventive off-set bracing system. This design feature gives keyboardists more knee room than any other double-braced stand, ensuring that the stand is out of the way and that only the keyboard is in focus during performances. Stabilizing End Caps Overcome Uneven Surfaces The IQ-2200"s integrated stabilizing system accounts for potentially uneven surfaces at future gig or jam locations and effectively combats potentially instrument-threatening rocks and wobbles. Located on the upper and lower tubes, two rubberized end caps easily rotate, revealing incremental thicknesses to correct the problem. In addition, thick rubber sleeves secure the keyboard on the upper tubes, while keeping the IQ-2200 firmly in place.Unprecedented strength in a lightweight design Patented Memory Lock System Off-set bracing system for maximum knee room Stabilizing end caps overcome uneven surfaces Second tier for twice the playing Weight Capacity (1st tier/2nd tier): 150/50lb. (68/23kg) Height Positions: 5 Height (1st Tier): 26.5 36 (673mm 914mm) Height (2nd Tier): 11.5 (291mm) Depth (both): 13.5 (343mm) Width: 18.5 33 (469mm 838mm) Weight: 18.85lb. (8.6kg)