Iz Arkhiva B.I. Nikolaevskogo: Perepiska s I.G. Tsereteli: 1923-1958 gg.: Vypusk 2: Pis"ma 1931-1958 gg (Russkii revoliutsionnyi arkhiv)

B.I. Nikolaevskii played an important role in the historiography of the Menshevik Party. He collected the papers in the headquarters of the Menshevik Party during 1917 and deposited them into the Central Archive of the Communist Party of the USSR. This volume is the second part of the publication of his correspondence with G. Tsereteli, a leader of Mensheviks, in 1923-1930. The documentation was assembled by the Inter-University Project on Menshevik History and the B.I. Nikolaevskii Collection at the Hoover Institution, founded in 1923. Also available several other volumes from the series published in 2009-2010. Standing order is available. (0.855 kg.)