Allure of French & Italian Decor, The

"The furnishings of France enchant the eye, Italian pieces sing to the soul." -Betty Lou Phillips, ASID France and Italy have long been the go-to spots for fashionistas, serious foodies and design mavens. Rich patinas, satisfying earthen hues and myriad natural materials-translate into timeless, unabashedly elegant yet livable rooms appropriate for our times. Award-winning designer Betty Lou Phillips shows how the best from two European countries combine to create la dolce vita-the good life. Award-winning designer and best-selling author, Betty Lou Phillips is a professional member of the American Society of Interior Designers. With projects from New York to California, her work has been featured in countless magazines, as well as in her numerous home design books on French and Italian style. Interiors by Design--her 13th design book-is the ultimate guide to home décor. Additionally, she has appeared on the Christopher Lowell Show and the Oprah Winfrey Show. She lives in Dallas, Texas. Betty Lou Phillips is the author of Emily Goes Wild!, an illustrated children"s book, and co-author of The Night Before Christmas in Paris. Later this year Gibbs Smith Publisher will release her Night Before Christmas in New York and Night Before Christmas in Texas.