Bludnaya doch Kremlya. "Kseniya Obschak"

This book is a collection of kompromat and dirty stories about Kseniia Sobchak who recently became one of the new faces of the political opposition in Russia. In addition to Kseniia, the book also includes stories about her parents: Anatolii Sobchak and Liudmila Narusova. The author of the book is a journalist-investigator, the author of many books. Also available by the author: "Griaznoe Bel"e" Kremlia: Razoblachenie Vysshikh Chinovnikov RF (2011); "Krestnaia Doch" Kremlia: "Semeinye" Tainy Tat"iany D"iachenko (2012); Sytyi Bunt: "Griaznoe Bel"e" Oppozitsii (2012); Bolevye Priemy Putina: Udushaiushchii Zakhvat dlia Rossii (2012); Novaia ChK Putina (2012); Putinskii Zastoi: Novoe Politbiuro Kremlia (2013).