Under the Wire: The bestselling memoir of an American Spitfire pilot and legendary POW escaper

Price 13.49 - 29.79 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781481088855


Pages 398

Year of production 2012

The bestselling WWII memoir of an American Spitfire pilot and legendary Prisoner of War escape artist. American Bill Ash went from Hobo to hero as he joined up to fly Spitfires for the RAF in 1940, before the United States entered the war. Shot down in 1942, the French Resistance helped him on the run until the Gestapo caught and tortured him, then sentenced him to death as a spy. He was saved by the Luftwaffe and put in legendary Great Escape camp Stalag Luft III, thanking them by escaping a dozen times, over the wire, under it or straight though it. He became one of the great "escape artists" of the war, risking all for that elusive "home run". This is the first North American paperback, but Under the Wire is already a bestseller in the UK, topping Amazon UK"s History, WWII and Biography charts. It has gained 33 reader reviews on Amazon UK, 32 five-star and one four star. Here are a few excerpts: ***** Enthralled! By R.B. Lee Being ex-forces, and in my 40"s, the daring-do books about the SAS and the Gulf Wars have been high on my agenda. I happened to see "Under the wire" and thought "I"d give it a go". My opinion - absolutely brilliant! I couldn"t put it down. I"d love to meet Bill Ash, shake him by the hand, and know I"ve met one of the most inspirational characters that ever walked this earth. ***** Inspiring By Jim Sells It is Story that makes this book so amazing: all at once it manages to be incredibly moving, heart-warming, hilarious, disturbing and inspiring. To come out the other side of these experiences with the deep love for people that Bill Ash clearly has, just goes to show what an amazing human being he must be. ***** Exceptional By Timothy De Ferrars This book is exceptional. Ash is candid about his motives for fighting; he reveals hot-headed fury at those who had started the war. Never afraid to reveal his feelings, Ash is always witty and ironic. The book is thoroughly modern and easy to read, yet it evokes wartime life as vividly as if it were yesterday. ***** A blockbuster of Escapology By Joanne Isaak Breathtaking! Riveting, exciting, and spellbinding! Mr. Ash lived it, Mr. Foley brought it alive. Don"t begin reading late in the day or you"ll lose a whole night of sleep. ***** Bravo Misters Ash and Foley! By Jane Rosen I have Misters Ash and Foley to blame for 2 nights of lost sleep reading this riveting tale. I simply could not put it down. This is an amazing story. I admire Mr. Ash"s heroism as well as his humor and humility and ultimately his humanity. Highly recommended! ***** Among the top five escapes books ever! By R. Laplander As a military historian and author, I search out good books. It has been years since I have come across such a wonderful story that has held my attention from start to finish as `Under the Wire" has. It now has a spot on my top shelf alongside favorites I have revered for years. ***** Humbly I give thanks By Brett The book brought out so many emotions in me...I laughed, I seriously shed a tear and I ended the book feeling totally humbled. I"ve gone on about it so much that my wife is reading it now! ***** A Wonderful read By A. R. Hancock Took it up on holiday and couldn"t put it down. A true story and a wonderful read. ***** Loved it By C. Martin As they waited in those tunnels for the right moment to escape, I found myself holding my breath slightly as I waited with them so as not to use up their oxygen.