COAST GUARD DECK GUNNER * CAUCASIAN VARIATION * McFarlane"s Military Series 5 Action Figure & "Bonus Sized" Display
Price 6.87 - 48.00 USD
COAST GUARD DECK GUNNERMCFARLANE"S MILITARY SERIES 5. The Coast Guard"s Gunner"s Mate was formally established in 1797. These soldiers work with everything from pistols to 76mm gun weapon systems. The Coast Guard"s expanded role in Homeland Security has seen these soldiers become involved with law enforcement and security at Marine safety offices and safety security teams, including regular patrols supporting and protecting currently deployed ground troops overseas. Includes Deck-mounted .50 caliber M2 heavy machine gun and a detailed base. Figure stands 7 inches tall on custom 6-inch by 4-inch base. Articulated at neck, elbows and wrists. Includes deck-mounted machine gun (6 inches high and 6 1/2 inches at widest points). From McFarlane Toys