Cool Colleges 2013 (Peterson"s Cool Colleges 101)

Price 2.25 - 20.41 USD

This newly revised undergraduate guide features colorful, easy-to-read profiles of hundreds of colleges and universities from the East to the West Coast of the United States (and several international schools). Designed for the ultimate decision maker-the student-Peterson"s Cool Colleges 101 contains info on what life"s like on campus from sports to dining facilities and more. Colorful and condensed design that details essential information in an accessible, easy-to read format Vibrant school photos that provide a preview of campus and student life More than 200 detailed descriptions written by college administrators exclusively for Peterson"s Enlightening articles that provide info on getting into college and planning your education Informative fast-fact sidebars of hundreds of institutions-with facts and figures on enrollment, selectivity (entrance difficulty), minimum ACT and SAT test scores, expenses, application deadline, and contact information. Access to videos and information on hundreds of colleges and universities.