Nutorious Nut Confections Cherry Vanilla Va-Voom, 4-Ounce Pouches (Pack of 6)
Price 22.63 USD
About Nutorious - Ok. So Jenny and Carrie are good people. They didn"t want to start a foodie cult or an addictive phenomenon in Carrie"s mother"s kitchen all those years ago. They just had a simple idea to create a simple nut confection with 100% flavor and zero pretention. In the face of "exotic" gourmet nut snacks, Jenny and Carrie went back to basics and began using real ingredients to infuse their now famous blends. Prepare to indulge in your own Nutorious moment. Every bag is packed with flavor and full of goodness with Omega 3, premium all natural ingredients and zero trans fat; not to mention low sodium. Every batch of nuts is lovingly handmade by our favorite duo and is tested to their high standards for flavor, crunch and their big question. "Can you try one without finishing the bag?" If the answer is yes, then we admire your self-control. Nutorious Nut Confections are a healthy alternative to traditional snacks. Perfect as a snack or sprinkled on salads, ice cream, yogurt or oatmeal. You name it, Nutorious makes it better. About Cherry Vanilla Va-Voom – Cherry Vanilla Va-Voom is a blend of walnuts, whole almonds and pecan halves with dried Montmorency Cherries in a sweet vanilla confection. The ingredients are simple, you probably have them in your pantry at home: Walnuts, almonds, pecans, sugar, dried cherries, egg whites, butter and salt. That’s it! They are all natural, no preservatives, low sodium, GMO-free and contain no trans fats. Product of the USA.