Oil Painting Techniques: Learn How to Create Dynamic Textures with the Versatile Painting Knife (Artist"s Library Series, AL23)

Price 8.96 - 9.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 50283050230, 9781560101260

The palette knife and painting knife are intriguing and expressive tools. Working in oil with a painting knife adds an element of texture and spontaneity to fine art that simply cannot be achieved with a paintbrush alone. Oil Painting Techniques addresses everything you want to know about painting with a knife, including the materials you will need to get started, as well as hand positions, paint mixing, and coverage techniques. Follow step-by-step instructions to create different textures and master numerous applications: thick and thin coverage, dot and sidestrokes, and much more. From painting thickly impasto style to using your knife to scrape away lines of paint, itÆs all right here in this comprehensive guide!