Summit Spring 100% Natural Single Source Gravity Fed Water .5 L (16.9 Fl Oz) 24 Pack
Price 44.99 USD
Summit Spring Water-unlike any municipal tap water-is authentic, free-flowing natural spring water that comes from a single protected aquifer deep beneath the pristine forests of Maine. We collect only the natural overflow without the use of pumps, bore holes, or other artificial means that can offset the balance of nature. Personal Opinion It"s pretty simple...when you think of a Poland Springs or Dasani...where do you think it comes from...most people like to think it comes from a natural spring in the ground. That"s completely inaccurate. The water comes from multiple ground sources that have to get drilled into. By drilling into them, they need chemicals to penetrate so by the team the drill touches the is already contaminated. So they pump out the dirtied water and send it to a refining plant where they take out all the elements and kill off the natural living enzymes and what you are left with is dead water. Then since they took out all the natural minerals they have to pump it back in. Not to mention all water from different ground sources all have different tastes. Therefore the flavor of the water is inconsistent. Versus our water that comes from a naturally flowing spring. The water is believed to come from the white mountains of new hampshire, travels deep underground through bedrock and natural earth until it reaches the bottom of the spring and then gravity forces it up a 750 ft mountain which in then becomes filter from the earth obviously taking out any solids and then they just take off the overflow, shield it from the sun by stainless steel doors, and it gets gravity fed into the bottle. No chemicals, all natural minerals, no dead water. It doesn"t get anymore pure than that. What it comes down to it...your body is made of 70 % water. Wouldn"t you rather put an all natural water versus a chemically treated water? As you can see this water is one of the rarest in the country and maybe the world.PRICE IS HIGH DUE TO SHIPPING COSTS