Dumante Verdenoce Pistachio Liqueur 750ML
Handcrafted in select small batches in southern Italy, Dumante Verdenoce is meant to be sipped and savored by connoisseurs who enjoy fine Cognacs, single barrel bourbons, single-malt scotches, artisan brandies and great Italian wines and spirits.Dumante Verdenoce is also superb when mixed with other fine spirits and ingredients giving ultra premium Italian flair to martinis, cocktails, and our iconic cocktail The Sicilian Manhattan. Dumante Verdenoce was designed as well with the culinary arts in mind as a unique ingredient in appetizers, main dishes and, of course, spectacular desserts. Experience Dumante with coffee or espresso for an Italian coffee celebration! The ultimate combination of slowly-steeped pistachio infusion with fine artisan spirits and delicate natural ingredients creates a flavor like no other... rich, smooth and aromatic with a long and complex finish.Presented in a unique art-glass decanter, this magnificent expression of contemporary style and Italian artisan craftsmanship is destined to become the world standard of excellence for luxury spirits. Liquor