Michael Collins Blended Irish Whiskey 750ml
Wine Enthusiast ReviewRated 85-89The interesting bouquet offers pleasantly grassy, waxy and vegetal notes with the aroma becoming more expressive and focused on the grain component following aeration. Palate entry is a touch smoky and biscuity sweet; the flavor profile turns intensely grainy and almost like sweet corn at midpalate. Finishes composed, doughy and slightly honeyed.Tasting NotesA refined blend of double-distilled malt Irish whiskey and grain Irish whiskey, carefully blended to be well-balanced and flavorful. The whiskeys are aged for a minimum of four to over twelve years in small bourbon seasoned casks to ensure a rich, smooth taste. On the nose, Michael Collins Blend has aromas of honey, citrus and malt. On the palate it has a full, clean taste delicately balanced between honey sweet and citrus flavors, with a fresh oak finish.80 Proof