Beeswax Bleached (Purified)- 5 Lb Box by Enkaustikos
Price 49.99 USD
Bleached (Purified) Beeswax... We have recieved numerous requests from candlemakers for bleached beeswax. Apparently our name turns up quite frequently on internet search engines when you search waxes. We are not proponents of bleached beeswax for encaustic use because although it is less expensive and appears bright white in color it is a much inferior product. Bleached beeswax uses older yellower wax which is whitened through the bleaching process. Bleaching leaves many of the impurities in the wax and also adds unnecessary chemicals to the wax such as phosphoric acid and potassium permangate to decolorize these less expensive waxes without actually removing the colorants. Nevertheless many encaustic artists will overlook this fact and work with bleached wax. Candelmakers are accustomed to working with fumes because many candle recipes call for paraffin in their mixtures. Many oil painters can use this wax in their painting mediums to matte their colors. Since we have a source for very high quality bleached wax we decided to offer it to our customers. Please make sure you have adequate ventilation in your studio if you are painting in encaustic. We will continue to use the much more expensive US Pharmceutical grade wax purified by heat filtering without the use of bleach to make our encaustic wax paints. We will not sacrifice quality to save a few dollars.