El Jimador Tequila Blanco 750ML

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 744607068208

As natural as tequila can get, el Jimador Blanco, which means white in Spanish, is a remarkably crystal clear tequila that is bottled immediately after distillation. But don"t let that clarity fool you, this tequila"s unique taste comes straight from the 100% blue agave its made from. A crisp, authentic tequila with subtle cooked agave taste and hints of citrusy sweetness that make it the exceptional choice for great tequila cocktails.. Enticing earthy aromas of damp slate, green pepper, fresh dill, grass and roasted pumpkin on the nose; palate is round and oily, with rich agave and lightly briney notes that fill the mouth with classic rustic tequila flavors.Among the best of the blancos. The scent is almost like an infused vodka, zingy, bright, citrusy and sweet. Sweet flavor, with hits of lemon and pepper on the finish. Smooth, soft feel, and definitely Margarita material.- K.N.. 40% alcohol Liquor