Domaine Chandon Etoile Rose NV 750ml
Tiny bubbles elevate a complex bouquet of almond, honey, and buttered toast with a distinctive hint of citrus blossom that arouses the senses. toile"s structure is long, soft, and creamy with flavors of fuji apple, candied ginger, and a savory hazelnut spice. These flavors intensify across the palate, building to a lingering yet, lively finish. French for starAAA etoile embodies our commitment to crafting the finest sparkling wine in America. The winemaking team has carte blanche in creating this wine. They have absolute freedom to break from all traditional limitations and commonly accepted rules in sparkling winemaking. This philosophy is now also visibly represented by the use of a crown seal. This unconventional closure symbolizes our commitment to providing the best sparkling wine to our consumers. For example, we impose no appellation requirement and allow the winemaking team to source from the very best vineyards in any given vintage. With no vintage requirements, we have t