Bushmills Irish Whiskey 10 Year 750ML
Bushmills Irish Whiskey is the original and best known whiskey from the Old Bushmills Distillery, the oldest licensed whiskey distillery in the world. It is a blend of single malt and single grain whiskeys.Grain whiskey reserved for Bushmills is aged a minimum of five years in oak casks that are specially selected to bring out the golden hue and light, yet distinctive characteristics of the whiskey.When mature, this grain whiskey is blended with a single malt whiskey to balance the flavour. The malt used in our mash derives its clean taste from the deliberate absence of peat used in the barley drying process. Irish whiskey distilleries kiln-dry their malt in a heat-fired, not peat-fired, oven.Lighter, no smoke and perfectly balanced, Bushmills is triple distilled for exceptional smoothness.. The nose showcases mineral, orange marmalade, and almonds with hints of smoke. Altogether lean. The palate is far more generous, offering flavors of biscuit, caramel, toffee, dried fruits, and marzipan. Dry and a bit austere with greatly defined note of. 40% alcohol. Nose: Fragrant maltiness with a gentle toasted wood background, and a delicate fruitness.Palate: Malty with sweet, spicy, vanilla and oaky notes.Finish: On taste, it is complex, spicy, slightly dry, with a lingering delicate maltiness. A gentle, approachable whiskey, for drinking any time, on its own or on the rocks, and its light taste makes it an ideal base for cocktails. Liquor