Bolla Amarone Della Valpolicella 2008 750ML
This wine is from Italy, Veneto region, Amarone Della Valpolicella sub-region. Created from the very finest Valpolicella grapes, painstakingly aged in the ancient manner and bottled in exceedingly small vintages, Amarone stands as one of the worlds treasured red wines. Bolla is the first Italian producer to market Amarone in Italy and, in 1957, introduced the 1950 vintage Amarone to the United States. The grapes are specially selected from the upper parts of the grape cluster because they receive the most direct sunshine and therefore are the ripest.. After aging in the finest oak barrels the Bolla Amarone della Valpolicella that emerges is a wine of ruby-red color with a dry, rich, complex flavor.. This full-bodied wine is a perfect accompaniment to game, roasts, stews, most red meats, dried fruits and full flavor cheeses. CORVINA Wine