Safety Bullet (38 Special)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 85000002056

1. & 2. The primer and shell casing are the same primer and shell casing that each pistol would normally use. The difference with the Safety Bullet® is there is no gun powder in the shell, only the primer charge.3. The Ram is placed inside the shell casing and up against the primer. It is similar in shape to a roofing nail. It is held inside the shell casing by a crimp that has been rolled into the shell casing to hold the Expander and the Ram inside the shell. The Ram it is made of Aircraft Aluminum and designed to travel until it reaches the crimp that has been placed in the shell casing. It travels through the Expander causing the Expander to be pushed outward against the firing chamber, jamming it in place.4. The Expander is made of Delrin(TM) plastic and is held inside the shell casing by a crimp, which also holds the Ram in place. The Ram sits inside the Expander. The end of the Expander is X cut to allow for expansion when the shaft of the Ram is forced through the forward end expanding the expander outward against the guns firing chamber.