Alvear Solera 1927 Pedro Ximenez Sherry 1927 375ML

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 766238809777

This wine is from Spain, Andalucia region, Montilla-moriles sub-region. Grapes on their optimum degree of maturity are spread out on mats to dry in the sun until they become raisins. When pressed, they deliver are intensely rich must to which grape alcohol is added to prevent fermentation and loss of sweetness. The Solera System" for this wine was started in 1927.. The impressive 1927 Pedro Ximenez Solera, from a Solera begun nearly 80 years ago, boasts a dark amber color as well as an extraordinary nose of creme brulee, liquefied nuts, marmalade, and maple syrup. Huge and viscous, yet neither cloyingly sweet nor heavy, it is a profound effort priced unbelievably low. It is meant to be drunk alone at the end of a meal. FortifiedDessert PEDRO XIMENEZ Wine