Cotton Cordell Deep Diving Red Fin Fishing Lure, Smoky Joe, 5-Inch, 5/8 ounce
Price 6.14 USD
The Cotton Cordell Red-Fin is a legendary lure for a variety of gamefish, from bass and walleye in freshwater to specks and redfish on the coasts. For those times when you need to run the bait in deeper water, the CD9 Deep Diving Red-Fin reaches 10 feet and entices fish with a wide wobble (straight retrieve) or an erratic “panicked minnow” when retrieved with a twitch-twitch-pause retrieve. The Deep Diving Red-Fin is also an effective trolling lure for big walleyes, white bass, striped bass and more. Tough construction and top-quality components keep the Deep Diving Red-Fin at the top of the list for anglers coast-to-coast