Hangar 1 Vodka Mandarin Blossom 750ML
Like peeling a fresh tangerine. Lance and Jorg infuse orange peel and freshly-picked tangerine blossoms for intensity, then redistill by hand on the pot still to give the vodka a delicate complexity. Whats special about citrus is that all parts of the tree - the fruit, flowers, leaves, and stems - all have flavors that are congruent. We like using the Mandarin flowers because they allow us to capture complex and floral citrus characteristics without having to depend on unstable acids from the fruit"s juice.The aroma of the mandarin flowers is intense - a batch will take over a hundred pounds of fresh flowers picked at the height of bloom (it takes about an hour to pick just one pound of orange blossoms). The distillery usually gets the flowers from the farmers on the same day theyre picked, and you can smell the fragrance of the flowers from outside the distillery!. The deep, sweet orange and honeyed-floral fragrance is the first signal this vodka will be special. The flavors are clean and brisk, followed by a strong bite and honey and tangerine notes. It finishes sweet, with faint floral and vanilla notes coaxed out over ice.- K.N. Liquor