Whynter T-1 SNO Portable Ice Maker, Titanium Edition
Price 279.00 - 338.00 USD
EJH1006 Features: * Ice marker * Removable ice and water drawers * 12 Ice cubes in 12 minutes * Easy to operate and clean * 3.8 Liter manual water reservoir * No drain required- water from melted ice cubes is filtered and re-used * Maximum output: 35 lbs of ice / day (24 hours) * Storage capacity: 2.9 lbs maximum ice Color/Finish: * Color: Platinum Specifications: * Maximum power: 200 Watt Dimensions: * Package dimensions: 22"" H x 19"" W x 19"" D * Dimensions: 13.8"" H x 13.9"" W x 16.6"" D * Net Weight: 39 lbs * Gross Weight: 44 lbs