First Exposure to Neurology (LANGE First Exposure)

The Ultimate Neurology Clerkship Companion Everything you need for your rotation in neurology is right at your fingertips in this portable, hands-on guide. With its streamlined coverage of diagnostic skills, symptom complexes, specific diseases, plus “Don"t Miss Diagnoses,” FIRST EXPOSURE TO NEUROLOGY accelerates your mastery of the core competencies of the Neurology clerkship. The ideal databank and toolset for your rotation FIRST EXPOSURE TO NEUROLOGY enhances your rotation with: A compelling profile of the practice of neurology Just the right amount of material for your 4-week clerkship Information on how to interpret neurodiagnostic tests and brain imaging procedures A focus on important concepts you should learn-not memorization of facts How-to"s for evaluating the emergency patient The “Chief Complaints” most often presented in neurology departments “Don"t Miss Diagnoses” table for each major clinical problem Clinically relevant detail on cases you will see Learning objectives at the start of each chapter