Deadpool (Xbox 360)

Price 39.99 - 59.96 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 47875769892

Brand Activision

Manufacture Country USA

Prepare to get Deadpooled - That"s right, $# ! just got real! Couple things I"d like to get off my chest: Everyone knows I"m the coolest comic book character in the universe- a mercenary for hire with a super charged healing factor the ladies love. I run my mouth- so what? Some say I"m unstable but I"m very stable. (Yep, totally stable)...except for the voices in my head...(What about that time we beat the dude with his own arms?) (That doesn"t count-he had it coming.) All right- so I"m gonna battle for the safety of humans (mostly the ladies) and mutants (especially the ladies). To capture all my good sides, I made my game a third-person action-shooter. I even let some of the other X-Men characters in on the deal - Not "cuz I need help (I don"t) but "cuz Marvel paid me to (wink). I brought my skills and a buttload of my favorite things. Katanas (check), guns (bang!) explosives (boom), duct tape (quack!) and of course yours truly, ME! (checkmate!)