Strange Beautiful Music
Price 7.50 - 12.06 USD
After a brief excursion into techno with 2000"s Engines of Creation, Joe Satriani returns to rock with a vengeance. He sets the tone by looking to Led Zeppelin"s Physical Graffiti for inspiration, coming up with the lyrical "Oriental Melody" and the sensuous "Belly Dancer." "Starry Night" is a rhythmic romp across the cosmos that recalls the restrained yet breezy jazz of early Traffic laced with the lyricism of Jimi Hendrix. "Chords of Life" is marked by its clean, uncluttered bass line that surrenders to a tumultuous psychedelic free fall. Satriani pulls the song back just before it disintegrates into chaos, guiding it along with a deftness and economy. Often criticized for overplaying, the former guitar teacher has reined in his technique and let his heart lead. Strange Beautiful Music is one of Satriani’s best efforts. --Jaan Uhelszki