Sutter Home Winery Sweet Red 750ML
This wine is from United States, California region. Surrender to the enticing fresh berry flavors and heady peach aromas! This carefree, uncomplicated red wine brings together all the refinement of Merlot, the sensual spirit of Zinfandel and the lovely floral notes of Moscato in a most delightful and unexpected way. Our rich blend of premium California wine is crafted in an easy-drinking style with a luscious mouth feel and natural residual grape sweetness that delivers a velvety smooth finish. Voluptuous and smooth, this is the kind of everyday wine that goes well with just about everything.. Try our softer-styled red served chilled as an aperitif or with grilled meats, delicately-spiced Asian cuisine, and light cheeses. NON-VARIETAL RED BLEND Wine