Garrett Infinium LS Land & Sea Metal Detector w/ 10x14 Power DD Coil - 1152070
Price 1062.50 - 1250.00 USD
Specifications: * Length: 28" to 52" - Adjustable * Weight: 5.5 lbs. (2.5 kgs.) * Circuit type: Advanced Pulse Induction technology * Automatic cancellation of salt/ground mineralization * Multiple Frequency Technology - 96 Frequencies * Detection Frequency: 730 pulses per second, adjustable * Submersion depth: Up to 200 feet (65 meters) * Buoyancy: Near neutral * Batteries: 8 AA * Battery life: Alkaline (included): 10-15 hours * Rechargeable (included) 7-10 hours * Battery re-charger for AC and Automobile (included) * Control housing weight: 31 oz. * Headphones: 16 oz. Search Modes: * Non-Motion All Metal * Adjustable PI discrimination Settings: * Ground Tracking Speed * Discrimination * Threshold * Volume Control on Land Headphones * Detection Frequency * All Metal Deepseeking Mode * Discrimination, Full Range (PI) * Adjustable Frequency * Salt Elimination Mode (PI) * Surface Mount PC Board Technology