Great Planes Super Sportster .60 Size Kit GPMA0210
Price 129.99 USD
The Super Sportster 60 is Very Stable at Slow Speed, But Move the Center of Gravity Forward and Increase the Throttle, and It"s Very Aerobatic! This Makes a Great Second or Third Kit After the Modeler has Safely Flown Low Wing Airplanes. All Great Planes Airplanes Have a 90-Day Warranty. FEATURES: A thick symmetrical airfoil for good wind penetration & slow landings Constructed of balsa, plywood, and hardwoods INCLUDES: Nylon motor mount, prebent main landing gear, tail wheel wire, clear plastic canopy, vacuum-formed ABS plastic wheel pants, hardware, full size plans, and photo-illustrated instructions. SPECS: Wingspan: 61" Wing loading: 21-26 oz/sq ft Wing Area: 675 sq in Weight: 6-7.5lbs Fuse Length: 48" Airfoil: fully-symmetrical low-wing CG: cntr of main spar Throws: Ail ¼" up/down Ele: 3/8" up 5/16" down Rud: ¾" left & right REQUIRES: Engine: .45-.61 (2-stroke) or .60-.91 (4-stroke) (or even a .65 bushinged engine like the .65LA) Radio: 4 channel with four standard servos Covering: Two 6" rolls Misc. Items: 14oz fuel tank, fuel tubing, pushrods, clevises, hinges, 2¾" treaded wheels, 1¼" tailwheel, assorted hardware, and various field and building equipment. COMMENTS: Items needed to convert this plane to electric: Motor: Sport Application, FUN400-36 Power Application, FUN480-33 Battery: Sport Application, 30A @ 7 cells (8.4V) Smile/Jazz ESC Power Application, 32A @ 8 cells (9.2V) Smile/Jazz ESC 40A @ 10 cells (12V), RC 1600s Jazz Aeronaut Prop: Sport Application, 12x8 Power Application, 12x7 APC Prop: Sport Application, 12x8E (APCQ4133) Power Application, 12x6E (APCQ4130) Speed Control: Jazz 40-6-18 Gear Drive: KPG 25 4.2:1 ir/jl