Arthur Andrew Medical, Aminolase TPA, 90 Capsules
Price 42.97 - 49.99 USD
iherb.com49.99 USD
Total Protein Assimilation Dietary SupplementAminolase is a powerful performance enzyme blend that allows for nearly 100% of ingested protein to be utilized for muscle building, strength and recovery. In a university study, Aminolase converted 25 grams of whey protein to nearly 100% amino acids whereas the placebo average conversion rate was 15%. Wasted protein can cause gas, bloating, and kidney stress. Just one capsule of Aminolase can convert a typical protein drink into a muscle engorging nitric oxide and amino acid rush unlike any other product available. Experience immediate increases in strength, pump, endurance and sexual function within one hour of consuming Aminolase with your typical protein supplement. Aminolase turns your ordinary protein into extraordinary.