Shark Fat with Formic Acid (Methanoic Acid) and Comarum 75 ml
Ingredients an extract of pepper burning, camphor, cinquefoil extract, oil of fir, lavender oil, formic acid. Description Cream ballzam Body Warming joints and muscles. The uniqueness and novelty of the cream is in it for the first time were combined into one product three active natural means of joint and muscle pain, which has been successfully independently used in folk medicine for rheumatism, arthritis, osteochondrosis, bursitis, neuralgia. The ancient Japanese believed shark oil panacea for all ills, Rabac rubbed shark fat joints from rheumatism and arthritis, heals burns and wounds.Anti-inflammatory, antitumor, immunostimulating, antibacterial and antioxidant action. Sabelnik-relieves pain with radiculitis, arthritis, gout, joint pains, neuralgia, injuries and bruises, you can restore the damaged structure of the tissue to remove the inflammatory focus. Formic acid - has a soothing, warming and anti-inflammatory properties