"Zhabiy Kamen" - Legs Activating Gel with Glucosamine, 30g
Gel Foot glucosamine "anuran stone" - an effective tool for the treatment of telangiectasia - capillary nets and spider veins. They can appear anywhere - on the face, arms, abdomen or chest, but most are located on the thighs, calves, shoulders and face. This cosmetic defect is a sign of impaired circulation in small vessels and capillaries, accompanied by vasodilatation, a thinning of the walls and stagnation. They often appear in internal medicine, and are the first messenger of varicose veins.In the gel for the legs "anuran stone" are water-soluble plant extracts - Chistyakov extract, horse chestnut, butcher prickly, grape leaves, the mountaineer. Due to this complex gel particularly rich in bioflavonoids, which have a positive effect on blood vessels, stimulate the metabolism and improve skin condition.Glucosamine is included in the gel is effective chondroprotective, nourishes and protects joints from osteoarthritis and arthritis. Substance restores the volume of synovial fluid, improves joint mobility, relieves pain.The preparation is troxerutin - drug used in the treatment of diseases of the veins. The substance is angio, venotonicheskoe, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, which contributes to the restoration of the venous wall, increasing its elasticity, improve metabolism.Indications for UseTelangiectasia (spider veins and nets), vascular disease legs, accompanied by congestion, swelling and feeling of heaviness in the legs, swelling and bruising, increased capillary fragility, varicose veins in the initial stage.Gel effectively relieves fatigue and stagnation, stimulates metabolism, improves blood circulation and lymph flow, improves the immune system, relieves discomfort in the legs during long-term restriction of active movements.