Price 21.27 - 31.80 USD
1994"s Glum was to be Giant Sand"s largest record and in order to make it so, Howe Gelb invited everyone along to the party. This carnival helped create Giant Sand"s best record to date and Glum is now proudly reissued by Fire Fidelity. Howe Gelb explains Glum"s story, "This was our best record for a long time. It had Malcolm Burn producing it with me and it was done up at Daniel Lanois" studio in New Orleans. Since it was our first big budget session, I tried to get everyone who ever took part on a Giant Sand record to come to Dan"s mansion and stay and be on the record somewhere. This made the atmosphere in the house more entangled then it had to be, but seemed like the way it should be. For some reason I began singing like an old man on this record, or maybe was inspired too much from my new talking distortion pedal on my guitar."