Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles TMNT Action Figure Splinter
Price 44.94 USD
Of all the unusual characters in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle series (and "unusual" describes nearly all of them), perhaps the most intriguing is Splinter. Formerly a pet rat, he mutated into a martial arts master and then trained four abandoned pet turtles to be his protégées. But far from being a calm pacifist, Splinter can, as this action figure proves, mix it up from time to time. He’s equipped with a working bow and arrow and a walking stick that opens up to reveal a secret sword. Splinter is dressed in something that the packaging declares to be a "ninja robe," but looked to us like a simple brown robe. Splinter’s range of motion is pretty limited, but he was never the most flexible character to begin with. The real appeal here is the idea of owning an action figure of a martial arts sensei rat. --Charlie Williams