Selecta - Viva Topo !

Price 50.80 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 4003332035753

Brand Selecta

Manufacture Selecta Spielzeug AG

Manufacture Country Germany

Rat Race is an incredibly fun game that requires a mix of both luck and skill. Designed for 2-4 players, this exciting race for cheese is sure to entertain the family. See who can collect the most tasty morsels of cheese without being caught by the menacing feline. To begin, each player must place all of their mice in the start position. The cat token is placed on the space with the indicator corresponding to the number of players. The youngest player rolls the die and moves one mouse the number of spaces indicated in a clockwise manner. The die is then passed clockwise to the next player. If a cat symbol is rolled on the die, the player may first move one mouse the amount of spaces shown and then must move the cat the same number. Watch out! After the cat revolves around the board one time, it begins moving quicker by jumping spaces. If the cat crosses paths with a space inhabited by a mouse, the player(s) must remove the mouse from the game. In a situation where the cat passes the start area, all mice remaining inside will be removed from the game. If a player suspects that the cat will catch up with his or her mouse, there is the option of hiding in one of the four homes. If a mouse enters a hiding home, it may not leave again. Inside each home is a different cheese value. Once placing a mouse in a home, take a piece of cheese if any remains. It is possible to have more than one mouse in action at a time, but die values may not be split among mice. If any mouse is capable of outsmarting or outrunning the cat to the final destination, it will be rewarded with a full cheese wheel. Once all mice are safe or captured, each player counts up their cheese pieces. The player with the most cheese wins! Game Includes: 1 game board, 1 cat, 20 mice in 4 different colors, 20 pieces of cheese in 5 different sizes, 1 die, and 1 set of instructions. Designed and made in Germany.