Wonders of God"s Creation (6 Discs)
Price 19.95 - 49.99 USD
Stunning and unmistakable photographic evidence of The Creator"s handiwork is presented in an understandable, unforgettable, and undeniable way. It is all here, documenting God"s indelible fingerprints on the totality of creation. Disc 1: The Milky Way and Our Solar System-Journeys to the Edge of Creation - The latest discoveries documented by scientists and stunning images show us our privileged position in a cosmic ocean of 200 billion stars. Disc 2: Planet Earth-Sanctuary of Life - Tour our miraculous planet as scientists reveal the hidden components absolutely vital to our survival. Marvel at the airlift of millions of tons of water each day, and the ingenious packages of life we know as seeds, traveling to their pre-designed implantation. Extra Feature: The soothing music and majestic beauty of creation comes alive in In His Presence. Disc 3: Thundering Earth and Roaring Waters-From the Voice of the Deep - Peel back the layers of the Earth to discover what keeps us rocking and rolling in Thundering Earth. Roaring Waters uncovers the facts and forces of tidal waves, storms, and resulting floods. Scientists and survivors lend their expertise and experience as we live out some of the most awesome forces on our planet. Disc 4: Whirling Winds-True Acts of God - These fearsome phenomena capture our attention in the form of tornadoes and hurricanes. The electricity generated in one day of storms across our globe is enough to light up the world for twenty minutes! This program provides an in-depth look through graphics, footage, and eyewitness accounts of some of nature"s true acts of God. Extra Feature: Refreshing visuals make this musical celebration, Be Thou My Vision, an inspiring tribute to The Creator. Disc 5: Animal Kingdom-How Great are Thy Works - Shimmering orange flies aloft from Canada to South America in the form of Monarch butterflies; salmon, miles and years after leaving their spawning ground, return with nothing but the map designed into their genes. Throughout the animal kingdom God"s provision and craftsmanship are widely displayed. Disc 6: Human Life-Crown of Creation - Numberless are the world"s wonders, but none are more wonderful than man himself. So says the Greek philosopher, Sophocles. Truly, the crowning creation is humankind, with incomparable complexity of design, form, function, thought, and spirit. Watch the miracle of conception and birth, followed by magnificent provision found daily on our bodies.