Wholphin: Issue 13
Price 19.95 USD
DAVID MICHÔD and Beer As Art presented to you exclusively on Wholpinn No. 13, plus: Jordan Vogt-Roberts" Sundance hit featuring Lizzy Caplan and T.J. Miller as a very inebriated couple, a troubled teenager with a crossbow, animated visions of a galactic future from the mind of Dash Shaw, the award-winning "History Of Aviation," an artist trying to explain his work to his father, the poignant tale of a man sans arms, the boy who killed God, bat caves, and much more. Table of Contents: Delmer Builds A Machine 2:10, Short Film, U.S.A. Directed by Landon Zackeim How to Explain It to My Parents (Arno Coenen) 12:10, Experimental Documentary, Netherlands Directed by Lernert & Sander We Are The Faithful 9:00, Documentary, Switzerland Directed by Michael Koch Successful Alcoholics 25:10, Short Film, U.S.A. Directed by Jordon Vogt-Roberts Written by T.J. Miller and Jordon Vogt-Roberts n Me For Myself 20:00, Short Film, Greece Directed by George Grigorakis Arsy-Versy 23:24, Documentary, Slovakia. Directed by Miro Remo Crossbow 14:50, Short Film, Australia Directed by David Michôd The History Of Aviation 17:10, Short Film, Hungary Directed By Balint Kenyeres Mosquito 12:00, Short Film, U.S.A. Directed by Jeremy Engle The Unclothed Man In the 35th Century A.D. 7:40, Animated Series, U.S.A. Animated & Directed by Dash Shaw