WMD: The Murderous Reign of Saddam Hussein
Price 21.95 USD
Are you Ready for the Truth? It will make you laugh, it will make you cry, it will make you proud to be an American. This documentary tells the true story of living under the brutal regime of Saddam Hussein. It contains interviews with the Iraqi victims of Saddam Hussein and Chemical Ali including the atrocities and Mass Graves filmed by award winning Kurdish/ American Film Maker, Jano Rosebiani. Also included is an ambush interview of Michael Moore, in which he invites others to make counter points to his documentary. Victor Davis Hanson, Senior Fellow from the Hoover Institute, provides insights into the reasons the US went to war with Iraq and Judith Rood, Associate Professor of History at Biola University, helps exlain Saddam Hussein and the Baath party. Brad Maaske a California Real Estate Broker quit his job and risked his life savings to get the Truth to the American Public about the War in Iraq. The movie was made with love for America, love for the US Military, who are risking their lives for our freedom, and love for the Iraqi People, 1.3 million of whom were murdered by Saddam and his Regime. "Everyone in America must see this - no matter what your political persuasion".